Cooking should never be easy!

The are likely to focus on the text, disregarding the layout and its elements. Besides, random text risks to be unintendedly humorous or offensive, an unacceptable risk in corporate environments

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The Rosie Network SBA Video

Comcast’s $3.8 billion acquisition of DreamWorks Animation just three months later continued the trend of content consolidation and IP aggregation. Both transactions have varying motivations, but the common denominator is access to franchises and content that can be leveraged across the parent companies’ various business units. Content and digital transformation strategies have driven M&A activity […]

ASW Educate

AWS Educate is now available to 10,000 US veterans as part of the White House Joining Forces initiative. AWS Educate provides access to credits, training, and the option to choose their desired cloud career. AWS Educate delivers a personalized path that includes content, knowledge checks, and badging that guides them through the learning process. AWS […]